A Weframe Misha Taylor 10 06 20200628

Make the most of meeting time

Better meeting preparation, more structure and actionable takeaways: cannyboard supports a seamless digital workflow to bring team members together in high-productivity situations.

Seamless digital Workflow

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Many of us work on computers.
So their day-to-day workflow is primarily digital – until they join a meeting.

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Conventional meetings are mostly analog:
Team members explain and discuss ideas, while someone may take notes via flipchart or adhesive notes.

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When switching from digital to analog and back, a break occurs. Unnecessary time and valuable content are lost.

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cannyboard eliminates this gap with a seamless digital workflow.

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A direct transfer makes on-site meetings digital, easier and more efficient.

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Working with proven tools, now in digital form.

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With easy and active participation from members' own devices.

It unlocks the possibility of collaborating in real time from different locations while enjoying the quality of an in-person meeting.

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Don't lose momentum once the meeting wraps.

That's why cannyboard stores current project progress in the cloud. So the latest session data is always available, anywhere members need access.

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Organized and stored securely on the user account, for perfect meeting preparation and post-processing. A new level of efficient documentation and digital workflow.

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Seamless digital Workflow

Many of us work on computers.
So their day-to-day workflow is primarily digital – until they join a meeting.

Conventional meetings are mostly analog:
Team members explain and discuss ideas, while someone may take notes via flipchart or adhesive notes.

When switching from digital to analog and back, a break occurs. Unnecessary time and valuable content are lost.

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cannyboard eliminates this gap
with a seamless digital workflow

A direct transfer makes on-site meetings digital, easier and more efficient.

  • Working with proven tools, now in digital form.

  • With easy and active participation from members' own devices.
  • It unlocks the possibility of collaborating in real time from different locations while enjoying the quality of an in-person meeting.

Don't lose momentum
once the meeting wraps

That's why cannyboard stores current project progress in the cloud. So the latest session data is always available, anywhere members need access.

Organized and stored securely on the cannyboard user account, for perfect meeting preparation and post-processing. A new level of efficient documentation and digital workflow.

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Collaborate anywhere, anytime

cannyboard makes projects available anywhere – working as a team or solo. No matter when and where. Synchronized or asynchronized teamwork is easy with Shared Sessions.

Shared Sessions

cannyboard facilitates real teamwork even when some members cannot participate on-site. Hybrid meetings at the quality level of in-person collaboration. With interactive workflows, hands-on content creation and all relevant productivity tools – powered by Shared Sessions.

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Gemacht für leichteres Arbeiten

cannyboard erleichtert Gruppenarbeit vor, während und nach dem Meeting – mit unkomplizierter Verbindung, einfacher Teilnahme und intuitivem Beitragen. So bleibt mehr Energie für gute Ergebnisse übrig.

Easy connectivity

Smartphones, Tablets und Laptops werden per PIN zum cannyboard-Gerät – ohne Installation und unabhängig vom Betriebssystem.

Easy participation

Für die Teilnahme an einer Session braucht es keine Registrierung – ein registrierter Moderator, dem die Session gehört, reicht.

Easy transmission

Mit einem Swipe landen Inhalte in der Session – ein Handstreich reicht aus.

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Instant productivity

No delays or wait times. Simply switch on cannyboard and instantly start creating results with all members participating on their devices to move the project forward.

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Ready to revolutionize your meetings?

Contact our sales team directly under

+49 89 215 422 774

You can also send us an inquiry or request a callback: